xcode icons for username, email, password address


where can i find icons in xcode which i can place next to the titles for exmaple username, email, password and address?

somehow without coding would be good because im so slow at coding, is there any drawing tool in xcode?


Nope, no drawing tool built in to Xcode. Google for clip art libraries. You'll have to use an external tool like Gimp to edit them.

Have you looked at system icons ?

h ttps://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsimage

Icons for permission :

h ttps://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsimage/sharing_permissions_named_images

Toolbar images :

h ttps://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsimage/toolbar_named_images

Otherwise, after checking they have no copyright, you can capture them in Finder and include in XCode assets.

But take great care with copyright.

Chdeck out this page for information on using standard icons:


Apple allows you to use those icons using Apple API in certain places. In addition, you can use the "Grab" untility to grab an image of them off of that page or anywhere else. Then you can do a 'copy' control-C to grab that image from Grab and paste it into the "Preview" utility. From Preview you can save a .pdf and place that as a file anywhere in your app.

Regarding copyright - since Apple gives you permission to use them in certain places it is not unreasonable to assume you have the right to use them in similar, appropriate places within your app.

If this is about buttons, note that IB supplies system icons - as well, when enabling sharing, the pop-up/dialog the user sees on the device will have all the icons for each feature.

Otherwise, as chuck notes - google for both paid and free icons if you're not so graphically inclined.

