Removing include in header breaks everything

I have been trying to remove the HockeyAppSDK from a project of mine, and have eliminated all references to the framework except the one in an OBJC Bridging Header. There are no refernces or calls to any Hockey functions, all includes in the build settings have been removed, and all header refrences removed. There is literally nothing in the project referenceing Hockey except for the include, so the original HockeySDK-Mac folder has to be left in the project folder directory for the project to build.

In the bridging file we have quite a few things

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "Reachability.h"

#import <sys/socket.h>

#import "asl_bridge.h"

#import <asl.h>

#include "SSHInterface.h"

#include "SSHWrapper.h"

#include "SSHErrorCodes.h"

#import <HockeySDK/HockeySDK.h>

The app will build fine, but if you comment out or delete the HockeySDK #import I get over a hundred Swift Compile Build errors saying telling me things ljme NSView and NSMenuDelegate are undeclared types. If I make th same change on our iOS project I get failures revolving around UIKit. Obviously I am missing something. Somehow the include system is getting broken. Any ideas?