How to force stop Replay upload extension?

Hi all,

I have 2 devices(A, B) connect live streamming, device A ussing Relay kit extension recoder screen, if device B disconnect then i want to force stop Relay kit extension on device A, i have used

RPScreenRecorder.shared().discardRecording but not work

please tell me, how to do it?


Accepted Reply

You have to call

self.finishBroadcastWithError(_ error: Error)

from within your broadcast extension. If you put a message in the NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field of the userInfo dictionary you pass in the error, that message will be displayed to the user.


You have to call

self.finishBroadcastWithError(_ error: Error)

from within your broadcast extension. If you put a message in the NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field of the userInfo dictionary you pass in the error, that message will be displayed to the user.

thanks for your support, this answer is correct.