How do I use instruments to log files opened by my application

I am trying to configure Instruments to log all the files that has been opened by my application but I cannot get it to work.

What I am doing (from within Xcode, debugging my application):

  1. Select Product > Profile from the menu.
  2. Create new Activity Monitor instrument.
  3. Select Instrument > Build new Instrument... from the menu.
  4. Select System Call for the of type for my proble, and open* for hits.
  5. Under Record the following data I select arg0 with path as the display name.
  6. Press save. I now have two instruments. One logging activity, and another with my new instrument.
  7. Press record button. For testing purposes I've changed to a very simple app that opens a file, writes to it, and quits.

The profiler runs, but no data is recorded. I can see that my application did run and write to the file on disk, but it was not captured.

What am I doing wrong?