Frame rate down to 1 frame per sec

I am testing Broadcast upload extension with ReplayKit.

For checking iPhone situaltion during broadcasting, I got log by idevicesyslog.

During this test, I play youtube videos.

That log shows these facts.

  • Most of time processSampleBuffer is called 20 or 30 times per sec
  • Sometimes processSampleBuffer is only called 1 time per sec.
  • Low frame rate continue for 2-3 sec, then back to 30 callbacks per sec
  • During slow period, mobileassetd become active, it logged 3000+ lines per second.
  • In another slow period, assertiond become active, it logged 2000+ lines per second.

On this test, if CPU become busy with background process, like mobileassetd or assertiond, frame rate gets slower.

Do you know some way to keep frame rate at least 20 frames per sec?


mobileassetd and other deamon become active 50 sec after reboot. Some deamon use 70% CPU, but it happens in 60 sec after reboot.

If we wait 60 sec after reboot, deamon process only use less than 10% CPU. We can keep high frame rate.