CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation - recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock


I have CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation with a recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock

recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock is getting called multiple times.

Inside recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock, I try to save the records that are received upto that point in time (collected from recordChangedBlock) and save the server change token so that if the operation fails at a later point, re-creating another CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation could use the server change token that was cached and need not fetch from scratch.


This approach was explained in

What's New with CloudKit


The records received upto that point are not in order.

For example:

I have a master and transaction record types.

I receive 5 transaction records without a single master record.

So when I try to save them the records are in an inconsistent state for the app to function.


When I saved the records, I saved master and transactions records in a single operation and was saved successfully (using CKModifyRecordsOperation)


I can use the fetchRecordZoneChangesCompletionBlock to save the records into the local cache (Core Data), but for a large operation which fetches a lot of changes with multiple change tokens the user has to wait till the operation completes (as opposed to seeing batches of changes)

My Understanding:

- Based on the video and the documentation, I thought the recordChangedBlock would be called sequentially so that in the recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock we can save the records changes that have accumulated so far and be in a consistent state.

I really hope someone can help me on this as this. Thanks.


It's a database and the results come back unsorted unless you add a sortDescriptor and do a query based search:

I accumulate all the results and do my own sort

tableRowData = [data sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id a, id b) {
        NSDate *first = [a objectForKey:@"TimeStamp"];
        NSDate *second =[b objectForKey:@"TimeStamp"];
        return [second compare:first];