iOS Code Signing Fastlane Match Error

I'm getting the following when trying to deploy my application to iTunes Connect using Fastlane.

It was working not too long ago, and I'm not sure why all the sudden it's now failing. I recently upgraded from CircleCI 1.0 to CircleCI 2.0, and that is about when it started to fail. The last deployment done on CircleCI 1.0 was successful, but everyone on CircleCI 2.0 has failed.

It looks like the repo is adding `.mobileprovision` to the end of profile. But it's searching for the non `.mobileprovision` version.

Any ideas how to fix this code signing error with Fastlane?

    |                        Summary for match 2.94.0                         |
    | type                  | appstore                                        |
    | app_identifier        | ["com.charliefish.ios.test"]             |
    | force                 | true                                            |
    | git_url               | |
    | git_branch            | master                                          |
    | username              |                              |
    | keychain_name         | fastlane_tmp_keychain                           |
    | readonly              | true                                            |
    | team_id               | 08RTYN1272                                      |
    | verbose               | false                                           |
    | skip_confirmation     | false                                           |
    | shallow_clone         | false                                           |
    | clone_branch_directly | false                                           |
    | force_for_new_devices | false                                           |
    | skip_docs             | false                                           |
    | platform              | ios                                             |
    [14:04:47]: Cloning remote git repo...
    [14:04:47]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
    [14:04:48]:     Successfully decrypted certificates repo
    [14:04:48]: Installing certificate...
    security: SecKeychainSearchCopyNext: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
    [14:04:49]: There are no local code signing identities found.
    You can run `security find-identity -v -p codesigning` to get this output.
    This Stack Overflow thread has more information:
    (Check in Keychain Access for an expired WWDR certificate: has more info.)
    |                       Installed Certificate                        |
    | User ID           | 08RTYN1272                                     |
    | Common Name       | iPhone Distribution: Charlie Fish (08RTYN1272) |
    | Organisation Unit | 08RTYN1272                                     |
    | Organisation      | Charlie Fish                                   |
    | Country           | US                                             |
    | Start Datetime    | 2018-05-03 18:13:05 UTC                        |
    | End Datetime      | 2019-05-03 18:13:05 UTC                        |
    [14:04:49]: No matching provisioning profiles found for 'AppStore_com.charliefish.ios.test'
    [14:04:49]: A new one cannot be created because you enabled `readonly`
    [14:04:49]: Provisioning profiles in your repo for type `appstore`:
    [14:04:49]: - 'AppStore_com.charliefish.ios.test.mobileprovision'
    [14:04:49]: If you are certain that a profile should exist, double-check the recent changes to your match repository
    |                                    Lane Context                                    |
    | DEFAULT_PLATFORM          | ios                                                    |
    | PLATFORM_NAME             | ios                                                    |
    | LANE_NAME                 | ios release                                            |
    | ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_KEYCHAIN | "/Users/distiller/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" |
    [14:04:49]: No matching provisioning profiles found and can not create a new one because you enabled `readonly`. Check the output above for more information.
    |                fastlane summary                 |
    | Step | Action                     | Time (in s) |
    | 1    | Verifying fastlane version | 0           |
    | 2    | default_platform           | 0           |
    | 3    | setup_circle_ci            | 0           |
    |      | match                      | 2           |
    [14:04:49]: fastlane finished with errors
    [!] No matching provisioning profiles found and can not create a new one because you enabled `readonly`. Check the output above for more information.
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