Drawing options?

I am new to Swift and so I question everything. Right now I am looking into the Utility options in the IDE and I really have to question the Drawing group of options:

  1. Opaque
  2. Hidden
  3. Clear Graphics Context
  4. Clip To Bounds
  5. Autoresize Subviews


When designing a layout is it ever a conscious part of the design process to consider this option, or should it not be left up to the compiler? With hardware architecture today being so fast does it really improve performance on an app that much, and if so then why leave it up to human choice to extract those performance gains when the compiler clearly knows if alpha has been applied or not?


With little to no experience in designing UI on a Storyboard I can appreciate this quick option over coded equivalents, but it seems too easy an option to forget about if the Storyboard is busy enough. I notice that nothing can be kept outside of the storyboard as well, which is very odd coming from other design environments, I am used to just moving something out of the way in a controlled fashion, does anybody make indispensable use of this feature?


There being a number of coding options to this protocol, I fail to understand when this would be commonly enough used in the Storyboard for it to be taking up UI space, can anybody justify this feature in regular use?


I assume that anything that cannot be seen is therefore not drawn, but short of this being some sort of “punch” option it seems to preserve all the offcuts, when really these should have been trimmed off by the designer. Further, it also causes conflicting issues with other expected “one-click option” (or one line coded) behaviour like drop-shadows, is clip to bounds for lazy designers?


This is the one option of the lot that I don’t take issue with, except that I think it would better be transferred to the Size Inspector pane where the interactive demo and autoresizing guides are kept.