NEContentFilter and distribution to non supervised devices


I am developing an app where parents can control the online time and white/black lists for their children. For that I used the Network Extension Content Filter.

My question is: If I want to distribute it on the App Store. How to allow the network extension on a non-supervised device?



How to allow the network extension on a non-supervised device?

This is currently not possible. Right now Network Extension content filter providers support two deployment models:

  • You can deploy developer-signed apps to any device; this is for testing purposes only

  • Other forms of deployment require a supervised device

This is a common complaint and I recommend that you file an enhancement request describing how this restricting is affecting your product.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

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Can we detect that device is supervised or not so we can at least tell users what they need to do?

Hello Quinn,

So using my developer signed package which is a variant of the sample network content filter Simplefirewall, I should be able to run a NetworkContent Filter locally on the dev machine, without requiring the device to be in supervised mode?

Let me know.