How to pre-check for privacy violations before sending to App Store / TestFlight?

I recently submitted an app to TestFlight, and got back a rejection because the app was violating a privacy standard.

What was missing was some text explaining my app's use of bluetooth.

"app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description."

OK, fair enough. I can put that in. But I'm not explicitly doing this, one of my 3rd-party libraries is. I don't know which one it is. I mean, I'm not using too many 3rd-party libraries. There are maybe 2 libraries that might be doing something weird like this. But I'm not sure.

So, I can write to the support email of the publishers of these libraries to determine who the culprit is.... and I can dig around on their websites to see if there is any documentation about their usage of bluetooth... (which would take a long time)


What I'd really like to do is launch some tool, on my Mac, and have it evaluate all of the third-party libraries I'm using for possible privacy violations like this. You know, do this check client-side, without having to package up my app and send it to TestFlight (which is a very time consuming process).

Does such a tool exist? Because if so, sweet! It would be even more awesome if such a tool were in Xcode itself.

Anyway, if you know of any way to check for privacy violations without sending the app up to TestFlight, I'd really love to hear about it.


I'm facing the same issue. Some of my colleagues have recommended I should make up whatever excuse for the usage descriptions any third party libraries may need, just because Apple is increasingly focusing on this. Except, it feels off. Instead, Apple should just add to their process a way to proactively say "the API's X, Y and Z are declared to be used by 3rd party libs we use but we do NOT invoke these." before it gets to a rejection.

In either case, it would be really useful to be able to know what these usage descriptors are in advance. Can someone from Apple please answer this?

You might want to make feature requests via the bug reporter link below, and consider staying on topic via the TestFlight forum, thanks and good luck.