In App Purchase Error: ITC.apps.kenobi.merch.MERCHANDISING_IN_FLIGHT_LIMIT.error.message

Hey Everyone,

Im getting this error when i try and create my 21st consumable in app purchase: ITC.apps.kenobi.merch.MERCHANDISING_IN_FLIGHT_LIMIT.error.message

Can anyone lend a hand?

Do i have to many consumable in app purchases in my app?

How many IAP can we have per app?

The iTunes support cant even answer these simple questions.

Any help is appreciated!

Thanks guys,


I ran into this ... and have just discovered the issue. It appears you can only upload 20 "App Store Promotion" images. (Apple will only promote 20 IAP's anyway). If you don't try and upload App Store Promotion" images when you hit save you can continue. I went through and deleted the images of IAP's that I did not want listed in the app store and that also works so you can add more.

I hope this helps.