Updating the currency in an Apple Pay session

We are attempting to integrate Apple Pay JS in a website. When a user updates the shipping address we switch the currecy on our website to the target country.

When we send back the total to the apple pay session via completeShippingContactSelection this new total will be in a new currency, however the apple pay card does not reflect this change in currency. So the new total could be in euros, but the card still display the GBP symbol

Is there any way to update the currency in a apple pay session ?

One idea we attempted was to close the apple pay card (with a message) and then create a new session with the new currency once the button is clicked again, however the address they previously chose has not persisted, and the onShippingMethodSelected fires again but with the default address (not the one that we have just used to update the currency). Issue being that we end up in a loop where we keep updating the curency. Is there any way to set the default address to the one previously selected within the apple pay card ?