FileProviderExtension, signal change for reparented directory


we've come a pretty far way with our file provider extension but there are a few things I just can not get to work.

One of them is signalling the NSFileProviderManager when a directory has been reparented on the server.

My current approach is to call

NSFileProviderManager.default.signalEnumerator(for: )

The enumerator's

func enumerateChanges(for observer: NSFileProviderChangeObserver, from syncAnchor: NSFileProviderSyncAnchor)

is being called, I call


with the ID of the item in question: the reparented directory. However, the UI never reflects that change. Oh, and I do provide a new syncAnchor.

I have tried all permutations of signalling one, some or all for the item itself, the former parent, the new parent... but no luck.

Any hints?

That would be awesome!
