ble scan channel


I am currently implementing ble scan using Core Bluetooth.

I want to check the channel currently being scanned for an accurate measurement of rssi.

I want to know what channels are currently being scanned in the IOS or how the channels are hopped.


Bluetooth Scanning in iOS is the responsability of the BLE Controller, Firmware and iOS and you have no control over the scanning window, channels or any other parameters. iOS will provide RSSI measurements quickly in the foreground and slower if your app is in the background (unless another app scanning is in the foreground in which case it will speed what your app gets as well).

The only RSSI you can receive are from advertisements and callbacks, and these don't control the accuracy. The RSSI is calculated by the reciever in the iPhone. Inaccuracies can be due to orientation, multi-path (signal arriving in different ways, hitting objects).

There is nothing that can be done to improve the RSSI short of ensuring RF is good and using multiple devices and algorithms to eliminate some of these errors.



Wireless Connecitivity Experts

Bluetooth, BLE, Wi-Fi
