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any idea why Apple wants NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in the app's plist as part of submission process?we DON'T use direct photo library access (and we don't use any third party library that can cause it, in fact we don't use any third party library at all). we DO use UIImagePickerController (so user can select a photo of his/her choice and hand it over to our app). here is a direct user action involved. note that I can not see the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription string contents displayed anywhere (i.e. there is no dialog upfront that "this app wants to access your photo library because of <that string>")anyone been through it? at the moment i am putting some silly "SOD OF AND GET LOST!" in there, as it is not shown anyway.
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11 Replies
Xcode (tested with 10, and Xcode 11 Betas) allows a pointer to NSDictionary* (a pointer to a pointer) be used instead of a pointer to NSMutableDictionary*, which leads to a runtime crash instead of expected compilation error. I submitted a bug about it, but the bug returned with "works with clang-1001.0.46.3 which is part of Xcode 10.2". i wonder what that means to me as I do not use clang in terminal, only via Xcode. Can / should I somehow change the clang version that is used by Xcode?a side question, are there several versions of clang installed with Xcode and for whatever reason Xcode is not using the latest one?void foo(NSMutableDictionary** mutableDictionary) { (*mutableDictionary)[@"hello"] = @"world";}... NSDictionary* dictionary = [NSDictionary new]; foo(&dictionary); // no compilation error here! // runtime error: // *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSDictionary0 setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance....originally rdar://49775697plus FB6447069, this time against Xcode
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