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In Documentation > Sign in with Apple REST API > Verifying a User it is stated that: "If any step of the token verification fails, direct your app to fetch a new identity token for the user. Obtaining a new identity token on the device doesn’t require user interaction."I have been unable to find any documentation about which API provides this ability.I have tried creating a refresh operation with the following code, but it always presents the Sign in with Apple UI. let request = appleIDProvider.createRequest() request.requestedOperation = .operationRefresh request.user = KeychainItem.currentUserIdentifier let controller = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request]) controller.delegate = self controller.performRequests()Is there a way to do what the documentation suggests, or is the documentation incorrect?
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The option to create new keys for or enable Sign In with Apple on App IDs through the developer portal appears to be missing when logged in to an Apple Developer Enterprise Program account.Additionally, Xcode shows the following error when trying to add the capability: You currently don't have access to this membership resource. To resolve this issue, your team's Account Holder, ____, must agree to the latest Program License Agreement.We have accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Enterprise Program License Agreement dated June 03 2019.Is this expected behaviour, a bug, or something wrong with the state of our account?Thanks
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