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I would like to receive some data via UDP in an endless loop until the user cancels the data receiving. I created an NWListener, and set it up. It receives data as expected. However once I call .cancel() on my NWListener it changes the state to .cancelled but afterwards I have no chance to restart the listening process again. It blocks somehow the port. I would be able to restart it on another port, but this is not what I want to do. On the same port it ends up in this error message:2020-02-20 23:00:28.957501+0100 networking[10942:7110395] [] nw_path_evaluator_evaluate NECP_CLIENT_ACTION_ADD error [48: Address already in use] 2020-02-20 23:00:28.957642+0100 networking[10942:7110395] [] nw_path_create_evaluator_for_listener nw_path_evaluator_evaluate failed 2020-02-20 23:00:28.957735+0100 networking[10942:7110395] [] nw_listener_start_locked [L2] nw_path_create_evaluator_for_listener failed NWListener Handler called Listener: Failed POSIXErrorCode: Address already in useThe error only occurs on real devices (im simulator it works as expected), and only if the real device has either recieved at least one UDP message, or after starting the NWListener twice without .cancel() it before.I created a dedicated small sample project in Xcode to nail the issue down and to ensure it has nothing to do with the rest of my actual project. This is the ViewController I created to show the problem, I just connected two buttons to start/stop UDP listening:import UIKit import Network class ViewController: UIViewController { var udpListener:NWListener? var backgroundQueueUdpListener = DispatchQueue(label: "", attributes: []) var backgroundQueueUdpConnection = DispatchQueue(label: "", attributes: []) override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() myOnButton(self) } @IBAction func myOnButton(_ sender: Any) { do { self.udpListener = try NWListener(using: .udp, on: 55555) self.udpListener?.stateUpdateHandler = { (listenerState) in print(" NWListener Handler called") switch listenerState { case .setup: print("Listener: Setup") case .waiting(let error): print("Listener: Waiting \(error)") case .ready: print("Listener: Ready and listens on port: \(self.udpListener?.port?.debugDescription ?? "-")") case .failed(let error): print("Listener: Failed \(error)") case .cancelled: print("Listener: Cancelled by myOffButton") default: break; } } self.udpListener?.start(queue: backgroundQueueUdpListener) self.udpListener?.newConnectionHandler = { (incomingUdpConnection) in print(" NWConnection Handler called ") incomingUdpConnection.stateUpdateHandler = { (udpConnectionState) in switch udpConnectionState { case .setup: print("Connection: setup") case .waiting(let error): print("Connection: waiting: \(error)") case .ready: print("Connection: ready") self.processData(incomingUdpConnection) case .failed(let error): print("Connection: failed: \(error)") case .cancelled: print("Connection: cancelled") default: break } } incomingUdpConnection.start(queue: self.backgroundQueueUdpConnection) } } catch { print(" CATCH") } } @IBAction func myOffButton(_ sender: Any) { udpListener?.cancel() } func processData(_ incomingUdpConnection :NWConnection) { incomingUdpConnection.receiveMessage(completion: {(data, context, isComplete, error) in if let data = data, !data.isEmpty { if let string = String(data: data, encoding: .ascii) { print ("DATA = \(string)") } } //print ("context = \(context)") print ("isComplete = \(isComplete)") //print ("error = \(error)") self.processData(incomingUdpConnection) }) } }I hope someone can help me, I spent now several hours to solve this issue, but without any success so far.To test incoming messages via UDP, I used this shell script:#!/bin/zsh while : do echo "1234" | nc -cu -w 0 55555 sleep 1 echo "567890" | nc -cu -w 0 55555 sleep 1 done
by xncx.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
3 Replies
Hello,when I add some thousands simple annotations to a MKMapView, and complie & run the code with XCode 9 everything works as expected: smooth and well performing without any delays (at least with 5000 annotations on a MacBook Pro Late 2016).However same code executed on XCode 10 or XCode 11 is no longer smooth until all annotations were loaded once. Which takes after some scrolling on the map 30 to 60 seconds.My actual applicaiton requires many annotations which is no problem when compiling with XCode 9.Is there a chance to get this also smooth after compiled with current XCode?Or is this some general MapKit change under the hood?And hep is appreciated.Here my code:import Cocoa import MapKit class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet weak var myMapView: MKMapView! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() var alle = [MKPointAnnotation]() for _ in 1...3000 { let randomx = Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF //value between 0 ... 1 let randomy = Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF //value between 0 ... 1 let lat = randomx * 100.0 - 50.0 // Value between -50.0 ... 50.0 let lon = randomy * 100.0 - 50.0 // Value between -50.0 ... 50.0 let annotation = MKPointAnnotation() annotation.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lon) alle.append(annotation) } print ("Array contains now \(alle.count) annotations") myMapView.addAnnotations(alle) } override var representedObject: Any? { didSet { // Update the view, if already loaded. } } func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? { guard annotation is MKPointAnnotation else { return nil } let identifier = "Annotation" var annotationView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: identifier) if annotationView == nil { annotationView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: identifier) annotationView!.canShowCallout = true } else { annotationView!.annotation = annotation } return annotationView } }
by xncx.
Last updated