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I'm in Changsha, China. get my current location from Apple Maps. but the WeatherKit result is not same with Weather App. request: GET /api/v1/weather/zh-CN/28.212151/112.955606?countryCode=cn&timeZone=Asia%2FShanghai&dataSets=forecastHourly&hourlyStart=2022-12-12T22%3A19%3A05Z&hourlyEnd=2022-12-17T22%3A19%3A05Z host: response: { "forecastStart": "2022-12-17T22:00:00Z", "cloudCover": 0.01, "conditionCode": "Clear", "daylight": false, "humidity": 0.65, "precipitationAmount": 0.0, "precipitationIntensity": 0.0, "precipitationChance": 0.0, "precipitationType": "clear", "pressure": 1036.48, "pressureTrend": "falling", "snowfallIntensity": 0.0, "snowfallAmount": 0.0, /// this is -2.83°C "temperature": -2.83, "temperatureApparent": -3.64, "temperatureDewPoint": -8.47, "uvIndex": 0, "visibility": 18656.25, "windDirection": 318, "windGust": 9.61, "windSpeed": 4.08 } Weather App temperature is 2°C
by xinxing.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi, I need to do a function to convert the audio in the video into a sound animation. I use AVPlayer to play the video, but I don't find the spectrum data that the api can extract the audio. I know that AVAudioEngine can do this, but can AVPlayer be? Please give me a hint if you can, thank you./// AVAudioEngine can get amplitudes, but use AVPlayer how to get? class AudioSpectrumPlayer { private let engine = AVAudioEngine() private let player = AVAudioPlayerNode() private var fftSize: Int = 2048 init() { engine.attach(player) engine.connect(player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil) engine.mainMixerNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: AVAudioFrameCount(fftSize), format: nil, block: { [weak self](buffer, when) in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if !strongSelf.player.isPlaying { return } buffer.frameLength = AVAudioFrameCount(strongSelf.fftSize) let amplitudes = strongSelf.fft(buffer) /// get spectrum data at here }) engine.prepare() try! engine.start() } }
by xinxing.
Last updated