
Post not yet marked as solved
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hi.We use nodejs server and iap_verifier module.Many of our projects use this module, which has been very stablePayment verification seems that the online environment server link is normal, but there is a problem with the sandbox server link.The sandbox server has a high probability of error, but it will succeed after multiple verifications.The server uses EC2 of AWSIs the sandbox server currently unstable?the module print the log:2020-02-29T12:38:31.033Z - info: statusCode: 200 2020-02-29T12:38:31.033Z - info: headers: [object Object] 2020-02-29T12:38:31.033Z - info: data {"status":21007} 2020-02-29T12:38:31.034Z - info: end: apple response: {"status":21007} 2020-02-29T12:38:31.034Z - info: Process status 21007 2020-02-29T12:38:31.035Z - info: Retry on Sandbox 2020-02-29T12:38:31.035Z - info: verify! 2020-02-29T12:38:31.211Z - info: In App purchase verification error: Error: read ECONNRESET 2020-02-29T12:38:31.211Z - info: STATUS undefined 2020-02-29T12:38:31.212Z - info: verify done valid [false,{"code":"ECONNRESET","errno":"ECONNRESET","syscall":"read"}]module print error code:https = require('https'); ... request = https.request(options, (response) => { ... return request.on('error', (err) => { if (this.debug) { console.log(`In App purchase verification error: ${err}`); } return cb(false, 'error', err); });
by wormggmm.
Last updated