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Hello,I am currently experimenting the ney Notarization process. and face some issue with regards to notarizing the dmg containing the notarized application.I am using command line codesign, altool and stapler to notarize my application because it contains third parties elements.Here are the step I took:- codesign all the element in my application- codesign the apllication store the application in a dmg: myDmg.dmg- codesing myDmg.dmg dmg- sucessfully perform notarization request from the dmg with 'xcrun altool'- sucessfully perform stapling with 'xcrun stapler'However when I try to open the dmg i am confronted with the following pop-up message :"mydmg.dmg can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software."If I opened the dmg and run the following command on the application:spctl -a -vvv /Volumes/myDmg/myApp.appit returns:source=Notarized Developer IDorigin=Developer ID Application: XXXXX (YYYYY)when I performed the same command on the dmgspctl -a -vvv myDmg.dmgit returns:myDmg.dmg: rejected (the code is valid but does not seem to be an app)origin=Developer ID Application: XXXXX (YYYYY)So if the application seems to be stappled correctly, it seems not to be the case for the dmg, hence issuing the warning pop-up.What did I miss in the process to ensure that the dmg is also correctly stappled?Francois
by voplayer.
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