
Post not yet marked as solved
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After selecting "Submit to Review" in App Store Connect I recevied an email :We identified one or more issues with a recent submission for App Store review for your app, "XXXXXXX". Please correct the following issues, then upload again.ITMS-90806: CFBundleIdentifier collision - Each bundle must have a unique bundle identifier. The bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.Alamofire' is used in the bundles '[Alamofire.framework, Alamofire.framework]'ITMS-90806: CFBundleIdentifier collision - Each bundle must have a unique bundle identifier. The bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.ObjectMapper' is used in the bundles '[ObjectMapper.framework, ObjectMapper.framework]'ITMS-90806: CFBundleIdentifier collision - Each bundle must have a unique bundle identifier. The bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.CocoaLumberjack' is used in the bundles '[CocoaLumberjack.framework, CocoaLumberjack.framework]'We have watch extension in our application, and we use few frameworks in both main application and watch extension.I am not sure how to handle this issue.
by vai.
Last updated