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I was looking for IP camera which is not very expensive. The key point is I should be able to convert its frames to CMSampleBuffer I would like to use images to make some basic analysis using Vision. So far I could not find any IP camera manufacturer supports SDK for Swift and iOS for this kind of study.
by ucelen.
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After Upgrading iPhone to iOS 17.1 Xcode stop showing application container content. Well, I tried many things like restarting everything, reseting Location & Privacy of iPhone etc. Building and running application from Xcode works fine by the way. I was doing something directory and file intensive seeing directory structure would be helpful. Is there anyone else having the same problem or I miss something.
by ucelen.
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I try to get current brightness values of lamps in home. It collects old values. If I change brightness of a light in native Home app and come back to my app and use characteristic.readValue(completionHandler: ... to collect levels for all lights, I can get true value only for the lamp brightness has been changed in native Home app. I could not find a way to get current lights brightness values. Should not readValue  to get values from accessories directly not from data recorded in iPhone.
by ucelen.
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When using SceneKit I noticed that every single execution of "runAction" command increases memory usage of app on iPhone.If the app runs long time it ends up crashing application.I could not find an answer for this problem.When I am searching solution I saw that it is an old story, the first question come up about it in 2016 and it is about to be 2020.I tested the project I am working on last iOS and Xcode versions.I presume it is not an easy "bug" to kill considering 4 years of existence.But I hope someone can return with an answer or I am making an idiotic mistake and it will be pointed it out.
by ucelen.
Last updated