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I am scanning with ios17.2 on iphone12/ iPad with M1 attributes is always an empty array although I can see object categories and dimensions. They are not in the CapturedRoom object at the end or during the scan (printing the capturedRoom objects ), nor in the JSON export. what am I missing? Model provider can see them so it seems the data is in the unreadable "coreModel":"\/cCE2z0D7YOs5AV+590PFcMLD75UZjfuGUoGD8......"
by ubicolor.
Last updated
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I am using a SCNRenderer to render 120 frames without a SCNView (so nothing is showing in UI) on macOS and realised that the task is twice faster if the app is minimised or if I go full screen on another app. Why would that be? ideally I'd like this performance with my app in the foreground.
by ubicolor.
Last updated