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I've recently updated my development laptop, and my continuous integration build nodes (a pair of Mac minis) to macOS Sonoma. Prior to this update, my CI workflows passed without issue. Since updating, every time I attempt to run my app's unit tests, an impassible alert is shown stating: “MyApp” differs from previously opened versions. Are you sure you want to open it? Opening “MyApp” will allow it to access data from previously used versions of “MyApp”. My tests go no further, and my CI workflows fail. I found that if I switched from using Ad-Hoc code signing for my tests, that this dialog is no longer shown on my local development laptop, however it is still shown on my CI nodes. Is there some way to tell Xcode to bypass this warning? If there's not, Sonoma doesn't seem to be usable for doing testing.
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I have a framework in my project that is composed of a main framework binary, with a number of dylibs that it depends on bundled with it: MyFramework.framework/ Versions/ A/ Frameworks/ foo.dylib bar.dylib Resources/ ... MyFramework _CodeSignature/ ... It is signed to run locally before being bundled into my main app project. Unfortunately, when embedding and signing the framework into my app, codesign is skipping re-signing the dylibs, which causes my hardened app to reject them from being loaded. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
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The app I'm working on has a document format that allows references to other, external documents/images/etc that are not necessarily stored adjacent to the actual document file, nor bundled alongside it. I understand that the recommendation here would be to use document-scoped security bookmarks for each file (and then store that bookmark so that I don't have to ask again), but this is going to be a really invasive experience for the user to have to individually approve access to each of these linked files. Is there any approach I can take here that would let the user review a list of these files for approval, rather than doing it one-by-one?
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I'm in the process of enabling sandboxing, and the hardened runtime for my app, and I'm trying to share some files written my a group container shared by my main application, and an XPC service that it bundles.Unfortunately, any files or directories I create in the group container have set on them.It doesn't seem to matter if I use NSFileManager API to create folders/files, or use an external tool like /usr/bin/ditto.Is there any way to prevent this?
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