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Hello. My app is composed of multiple first party frameworks some of which depend on each other. Up until recently, they were all in a single workspace alongside the app, but I had to move them to separate repos in order to reuse some of them in a different app. For simplicity, let's say that I have a Common framework and frameworks A, B and C that all depend on Common. The app itself also depends on Common. I'm using Carthage for dependency management. I'm using it to build XCFrameworks. Everything is set up and the app builds and runs normally. However, since I want to be able to debug my frameworks from within the workspace of the app, I want to add the projects from the Carthage/Checkouts folder to the workspace. I can add the Common project this way just fine and everything works normally. However, as soon as I add a project that depends on Common (let's say B), Xcode starts spewing Multiple commands produce Common.xcframework when I attempt to build the app. Looking at the build logs I can see that it is trying to copy the Common.xcframework both from the Carthage/Build directory (which is the correct place to copy them from) AND the Carthage/Checkouts/B/Carthage/Build (which is the Carthage/Build directory of the subproject B). I cannot figure out why Xcode is attempting to copy from there. No target depends on the B subproject. The only thing that has a reference to the project is the .xcworkspace file. The build logs do not show that Xcode is trying to build the target of the B project. I've also reproduced this in an empty app using the same frameworks. Can anyone explain why Xcode does this? Why is it attempting to copy frameworks from a place unrelated to the target it is currently building? And is there a way to get around this? Any pointers would be very welcome. Thank you. Using Xcode 13.1
by tmpit.
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Hello, I recently released the first version of my app. It should have been released with a few in-app purchases and subscriptions but I forgot to attach them to the binary. So, right after the release of the app, the in-app purchases and subscriptions had status "Developer action needed". As per suggestions in other threads, I changed some of their localizations to reset their state. I did that, but the only thing that changed was that I was able to submit the new localizations for review which I did. After a few hours I checked the products again and now they all have the "Approved" status. Their localizations are still waiting for review. I have not released any new versions and I don't know what's happening. The products are not live, because the live version of the app cannot load them. But I cannot attach them to the new version of the app which I was preparing. I could not find information about this. Does someone know how I can release those products now?
by tmpit.
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We want to use SKStoreReviewController to prompt users to review our app. Does anybody know if the 3 prompts per 365 day limit is per Apple user or Apple user on a device? For example if our app is installed on 3 devices owned by the same Apple user and all of them prompt the user to rate the app, would that exhaust all 3 prompts on all devices or would each device have 2 prompts left?
by tmpit.
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4 Replies
Hello,I recently saw a couple of blog posts where it was mentioned that multiple windows support would be required for iPadOS apps sometime in 2020. None of them linked to sources. I've since searched the review guidelines, developer docs, some of the WWDC videos and could not find any official information regarding this. Can anyone confirm if it really will be required?
by tmpit.
Last updated