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I have an applescript application created in Script Editor on macOSS 10.14.6 - it is save as a run time only application and iss signed with hardened runtime. I have the following keys in my plist: NSAppleEventsUsageDescription I was having issues running the applescript application and it was suggested that I run "tccutil reset ALL" in terminal. This removed all my apps from Security & Privacy/Privacy/Automation tab. Great. But now when I run the app I always get the Not Authorized to send Apple events to Finder. I never get prompted to allow access. How can I reset set it so asks for permissions?
by themutis.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi I have a large DMG (839MB) and I have been zipping it before sending it for notification. I receive a successful notarization and the DMG works on Catalina. BUT I have not been able to find any documentation on whether sending the zipped DMG is apple approved. Does anyone have any info on this. Thanks
by themutis.
Last updated