
Post not yet marked as solved
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Safari / El Capitain 10.11.6Yesterday ended up downloading Safari 11 for Sierra in error - Strangely it allowed installation - but obviously didnt run-long story short I was able to get Safari 11/El Capitain pre release beta to overwite via Pacafist ( installer wouldnt work as it saw Safari as newer)and all working , except now I get :"SafariBookmarksSyncAgent quit unexpectedly" every 10 seconds.It goes away if I remove "SafariBookmarksSyncAgent" ( which along with other files in the bundle has a mod date 08/09/17 so hasnt been updated) I have El capiatin 10.11.6 OS final image /Safari EC beta image and the Safari 11 Sierra image.Anyone know what files I can swap over to sort this out.Any advice much appreciated.Some details..more if needed :Dyld Error Message: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_WBSAnalyticsLogger Referenced from: /System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent (which was built for Mac OS X 10.12) Expected in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SafariCore.framework/Versions/A/SafariCorein /System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent
by tgordine.
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