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I'm trying to access this element of the HourWeather retrieved from a call to weatherService. When I print in the debugger what is received, it's clear that there is an element there called precipitationAmount. Here is an example of everything retrieved in HourWeather for a particular hour: HourWeather(date: 2022-06-12 22:00:00 +0000, cloudCover: 0.46, condition: Breezy, symbolName: "wind", dewPoint: 9.12 °C, humidity: 0.71, isDaylight: true, precipitation: rain, precipitationChance: 0.23, precipitationAmount: 0.21 mm, snowfallAmount: 0.0 mm, pressure: 997.65 mbar, pressureTrend: Rising, temperature: 14.34 °C, apparentTemperature: 13.74 °C, uvIndex: WeatherKit.UVIndex(value: 1, category: Low), visibility: 25915.82 m, wind: WeatherKit.Wind(compassDirection: Northwest, direction: 304.0 °, speed: 29.47 km/h, gust: Optional(41.56 km/h))) But when I try to access that element as part of a SwiftUI view in Xcode (14.0 beta), I get this error: Value of type 'HourWeather' has no member 'precipitationAmount' Furthermore, that element is not listed as part of the documentation at, which is presumably the reason for the Xcode error. But it's there in what is retrieved, so how can I access it? Forgive me if this is a noob question - I'm not an expert SwiftUI programmer. Thanks ... Neil
by tehoro.
Last updated