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Hi,Has anyone sucessfully used the promotedArticles endpoint and have any tips on getting it to work, I always get an invald UUID for the article I am trying to promote.Alanreferences: the invalid parameter states:The specified article ID is not a validUUID. Key path: data.promotedArticleI have followed the doumentaion examplePOST /sections/a3caeb08-b9db-4002-b379-cde305d74be7/promotedArticles HTTP/1.1Host: application/jsonAuthorization: HHMAC; key="1e3gfc5e-e9f8-4232-a6be-17bf40edad09";signature="irqw07DCRQLtx/40Z2VhNc7sl3nB1PKII374R7AHjUQ=";date="2017-12-08T00:03:31Z"{ "data": { "promotedArticles": [ "F59D1784-CAFC-432A-9A1A-EF2FCE1E1C60", "2027DD1B-2794-4B0A-B9DC-F7EE696411FF" ] }}But always get this error, and can't determine why if anyone has got this working and has any tips.PS I am using my own sites endpoint and data articles but always failing to promote an article with the errror {"errors":[{"code":"INVALID"}]}
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