
Post marked as solved
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I have a fully working FileProvider on iOS11 and I can serve up files and save them back with one exception. When I open my FileProvider in the I cannot paste or drag items into it. I get a little "not allowed" icon. If I try to Paste, the only menu option is "Info".Also, when I save a document from an application (e.g. Word), the Move button does not appear.I have implemented allowsAll on all my FileProviderItem objects:var capabilities: NSFileProviderItemCapabilities { return .allowsAll }and my FileProviderExtension implements importDocument, but it is NEVER called: override func importDocument(at fileURL: URL, toParentItemIdentifier parentItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, completionHandler: @escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void) { print("###\(#function): URL = \(fileURL), parentItemIdentifier = \(parentItemIdentifier)") completionHandler(nil, nil) }I also notice that the create folder button is disabled.What are the minimal requirements to allow new files?
by sparky.
Last updated
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
I have a storyboard segue that I'm using to show a ViewController as a Form Sheet. I just watched the "Customize and resize sheets in UIKit" session and would like to know if I can set the form detent to medium in the storyboard in interface builder, or is it only from code as done in the video. Also, does the same apply to .prefersEdgeAttachedInCompactHeight ? Thanks
by sparky.
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Post not yet marked as solved
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I have several iOS apps that interact with documents or files in other applications. In particular, one app uses an NSFileProviderExtension to enable the user to get files in and out of the app. Other apps use Open In.. How does this work with Catalyst apps? What are the best practices?
by sparky.
Last updated