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s0 = [SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"JJF0A3007.caf" waitForCompletion:YES];I am loading several sounds into instance variables to be used in a rapid fire situation. I want the entire file to play. It worked in iOS 9 but iOS 10 some (not all) of the sounds are getting cut short and I am wondering why?According to the documentation the function is supposed to be used for short sounds (all of these sounds are about a second in length)In the log, it says: SKAction: Error playing sound resourceWhat is also odd about this is that the game is similar to simon says with numbers and recites the numbers using the same iVar's (obj-c) before the user does.When the user touches a tile, it creates a few sequence items and sandwiches the actions in between two blocks.It's not the greatest structure but up until now it has worked.working example is on the app store ( free download) its called japanese tiles
by snowkid.
Last updated