
Post not yet marked as solved
14 Replies
I am unable to connect VPN using PacketTunnel. I have successfully created network extension target and when i call 'startVPNTunnel()' function it shows the status "VPN is connecting..." in 'NEVPNStatusDidChange' observer and after that status never change.It is not showing any kind of error also.As i debug, 'startTunnel()' function is never called in 'PacketTunnelProvider' class which is subclass of 'NEPacketTunnelProvider'. Even this class init method is also never getting called.If i have some problem on server side then in that case is it also possible that startVPNTunnel() does not get call? or it returns some other error?NOTE: I have added the NetworkExtension capabilities for both the target i.e, App main target and NetworkExtension Target.NOTE: I also added 'NSExtensionPointIdentifier' and 'NSExtensionPrincipalClass' keys in NetworkExtension target plist fie.
by sjain7389.
Last updated