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I'm trying to create a UISplitViewController in Storyboard and to implement a Sidebar but the leading edge for both the navigation controller and the contained root view controls (ie the Sidebar) seem to have a leading edge margin that is off the left edge fo the screen.
by sherwin.
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When implementing the collectionView(_, contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt, point) in the UICollectionView delegate, how to specify that the menu should appear in the UIContextMenuInteractionAppearance.compact as the Files app does in iOS 14? And a followup question: how do I display a submenu from said compact menu when using a collection view?
by sherwin.
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The new `UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout` is really cool but from what I understand you are still limited to a linear layout, though it may be complex.What I'm trying to achive is something where cells overlap. Something like this:I suspect I have to use `NSCollectionLayoutGroup.custom(layoutSize:)` but I see no documentation for this at all not to mention any examples.Any clues how can I do this?
by sherwin.
Last updated