
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
I am consistently running into issues testing Apple Pay on a real device for an iOS app I am developing. Everything works fine in the simulator, but upon presenting the PKPaymentAuthorizationController and authorizing with Touch ID, I receive a "Payment Not Completed" error and the didAuthorizePayment() delegate method is never called. This occurs regardless of whether I am using a real appleID or a sandbox appleID witha test card. I have double checked and recreated apple pay certificates using my payment provider (Stripe) and Apple merchant id multiple times. It appears that all my entitlements and certificates are valid. At this point I am out of things to check, and I am wondering if my app needs to be officially accepted into the App store in order for Apple to validate payment. Of course, If someone can recommend something else for me to look in to, that would be great as well.Thank you, Joshua Shapiro
by sdadzeel.
Last updated