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Since WatchOS 8.0.1 CoreBluetooth drops an active connection if the App goes to background (or back to foreground). This can be reproduced easily with this sample code: Interacting with Bluetooth Peripherals During Background App Refresh If you run the app on the Apple Watch and turn your wrist, an active connection is terminated. In the output window you can read: 2021-10-20 20:22:41.210839+0200 BARBluetooth WatchKit Extension[382:94603] [BluetoothReceiver] disconnected from Sender. The same is the case with my other Watch Apps, that are connecting to BLE devices. As far as I remember, with WatchOS 8.0 everything was fine. Since this occurs even on WWDC21 sample code this must be a bug. Is there a way to fix it for myself, or do I have to wait until it gets fixed by Apple?
by s.g.h.
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I'm currently trying to submit an independent Watch App on the AppStore, but it gets rejected again and again, because We still noticed the app icon displayed on iPhone and the app icon displayed on Apple Watch do not sufficiently match, which makes it difficult for users to find the app they just downloaded. In the rejection message here is always an attachment with a black icon. Because this is an independent Watch App, there is no iPhone app and also no App icon on the iPhone. The only icon is shown in the watch App and it is correct, as every icon on the corresponding AppStore Connect page. The icons have been changed a few times to fulfill the interface guidelines. I've sent screenshots from my watch, iPhone and Safari, showing the icons, but they don't seem to be noticed. Did anyone make the same experiences? What more can I do for my icons being accepted?
by s.g.h.
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Hello,I'd like to add the in-app purchase capability to a independent WatchOS 6.2 project (Xcode 11.4, MacOS 10.15.4), but it does not appear in the capabilities library.Deployment target is 6.2.What are the prerequisites for an independent WatchOS app for using in-app purchases?Stefan
by s.g.h.
Last updated