
Post not yet marked as solved
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I just downloaded Xcode 13.3 (building for iOS 15.4), and came across a strange issue related to using a UITableViewHeaderFooterView. If I return a non-nil UITableViewHeaderFooterView in the delegate method tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) for the FIRST section of a GROUPED UITableView, that typical initial padding that is usually present at the top of the grouped UITableViews, goes away entirely. Separately, if I return nil in that same method, that typical initial padding is present, but it's noticeably reduced. BUT, if I return a non-nil regular UIView(), the padding is present, and it is the exact same amount as is usually present on previous Xcode/iOS versions. Has anyone come across this?
by ryanthon.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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I'm in the process of updating our app for iOS 13 compatibility, and I've noticed that I no longer get a Notification when observing the UIAccessibility.invertColorsStatusDidChangeNotification property. I've tried it with both classic invert and smart invert. Changing either of those settings produces no Notification callback in our app. Is this property still something that should be used in iOS 13?
by ryanthon.
Last updated