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Lets say I have 2 packages Foo1 and Foo2, each with a .binaryTarget (Foo1.xcframework and Foo2.xcframework) containing a static library and headers. I also have a package Bar which consumes Foo1 and Foo2 as dependencies.  When Xcode builds Bar, it copies all the headers from Foo1.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/Headers to the include subdirectory in the build products (ex.  Debug-iphoneos/include/). It also does the same for Foo2. Their headers are all put in the same directory, potentially overwriting eachother. For example, if each has a modulemap at Headers/module.modulemap, then only one of those will end up in include/. I can wrap all the Headers in a subdirectory, so instead of having the headers in Foo1.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/Headers, I could have them all in Foo1.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/Headers/Foo1. Then, when building Bar, the headers will end up in Debug-iphoneos/include/Foo1 and Debug-iphoneos/include/Foo2, which avoids conflicts. Unfortunately, now the modulemap is in Debug-iphoneos/include/Foo1/module.modulemap and Xcode doesn't know to look there for module maps, so it fails to import. I can fix this on the command line by modifying the search paths, but I can't modify search paths when opening Bar's Package.swift in Xcode. Where can I put the modulemap and other headers so that Xcode can find them without them conflicting with eachother?
by rvenable.
Last updated
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7 Replies
I have some code that is currently built using Swift Package Manager. It does not have an Xcode project. I want to build an XCFramework from my package, but when I build the package it creates a .o, and xcodebuild -create-xcframework does not seem to support .o files. Also, I have added resources, and now I see there is a .bundle, but I don’t see any way to add the .bundle to an XCFramework. I have tried changing my Package.swift library product to be .dynamic (even though I prefer it to be .static), and that produces a .framework, which I can then convert to an XCFramework, but it does not appear to have my resources (they appear to still be in the .bundle file next to my .o). I have also tried making an Xcode project to wrap my Swift package. It imports my package and links against it and produces a Framework that I can make an XCFramework from, but it also does not have my Resources. All of this was done using Xcode 12 beta.
by rvenable.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Using Xcode 12, I set up a package which creates a binary target C. Now I have another package B which consumes C, and a package A which consumes B. A -> B -> C (binary) When I try to build A in Xcode, it never attempts to build C. When it attempts to build B, B fails saying that “module C not found”. Is this just an Xcode 12 beta bug? Or is are transitive binary dependencies not supported?
by rvenable.
Last updated