
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have managed to create a playground book for the previous version of Swift Playgrounds but now they support UserModules and I want that in my Xcode created content that I download to my iPad. They instruct you to down load a template and open it in Xcode. I have done that. From there things get quickly untenable. All the documentation seems incomplete. The template does not include any sort of UserModules code and when I hack it together using the documentation they have and upload it my iPad complains it does not have theUserAutoImportedAuxiliaryModulesKey. I include that and by trial and error figure out it is an array of strings with the names of my UserModules. Have not been able to figure out how to make a usable Usermodule.playgroundmodule yet. I do search on Google and Apple for UserAutoImportedAuxiliaryModules key and find zero results. Does any body know where I can find some usable documentation or an example of a playground book that supports UserModules that I can download and examine on my Mac. You can't see anything (like what is in the Manifest.plist files) on the iPad so it is difficult to figure out what I am doing wrong.
by rrjudd.
Last updated