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All Developers :Did anyone found out a way easy way to manage iOS app in three different environments Dev/Stage/Prod?Considering the following pain points, looking for better options available -Code Signing using Distribution Profiles (having UDID's) for test devices from testers Retrictions of 100 iPhones can be registered and Apple not allowing reseting the device list on need basis.Even Apple allowed to Reset the device list, there could be organization running different development teams which easily have 100+ iPhone test devicesTesters, Product Owners require all three environments installed at the same time Yes, its too much work to have individual bundle identifier for each environment. Just imagin when you have Siri Kit and Apple Watch appSome times there is need that you have to invite some organizational person to review/test your appCrashlytics being going away starting April 01 and iOS users may not have gmail id to happily migrate to Firebase CrashlyticsAny many more......Please let me know in case any one found the so far a way to achieve deployment of the apps.One possibility I could think of is extending Test Flight features where is looking for some help from Apple. Have filed the Feedback ticket - •Test Flight Feature RequestFeedback - FB7552354Developer Tools1/26/20Open
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I am using XCode 9.0.1 with my Swift 3.0 code project and some times Jump to defination worked very well. However, now its not at all working. I did try reinstall, cleat etc etc but no luck so far.
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