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I can't seem to get iCloud drive to work on the Simulator using the Xcode 11 GM. I've an app using CloudKit and I'm checking the ubiquityToken on the FileManager default to determin if iCloud is configured correctly, and it's returning nil.I have a simulator (iPad Pro 3rd Gen running iOS 13) which i have logged into with a valid iCloud account, and when I open the File app and select the iCloud Drive location I get a "Turn on iCloud Drive" messsage and button, which when clickedttakes me to the iCloud setting which shows everything logged in and iCloud Drive is switched on.I am getting the following error from my app in Xcode, which seems related,[ERROR] error while getting ubiquityIdentityToken: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service on pid 0 named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service on pid 0 named was invalidated from this process.}I've tried a couple of different iCloud accounts, different devices, and different iOS versions but none of the connect to iCloud drive correctly, and the error occurs whether I'm running an app or not so it it doesn't seem to be related to any app setup or provisioning profile error.Anyone had this, or have any ideas how to fix it? Not being able to run my app in the simulator is really holding my development of iOS 13 features.Regards,Richard
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