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Apple says:Comparing Main Queue and Private Queue ContextsThere are two types of managed object contexts: main queue and private queue. The type of context is defined as part of its initialization.A main queue context (as defined by a NSMainQueueConcurrencyType) is specifically for use with your application interface and can only be used on the main queue of your app. A private queue context (as defined by a NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType) creates its own queue upon initialization and can be used only on that queue. Because the queue is private and internal to the NSManagedObjectContext instance, it can only be accessed through the performBlock: and the performBlockAndWait: methods. My question is :Can we use a fetch results controller with private context as a collection view data source ?It enables us to unblock UI when we are trying to write big amounts of data into my core data data base. The sentence above, as far as i understand, does not contradict the above question.Does someone see any issue doing so (use a fetch results controller with private context as a collection view data source) ?
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