
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have an app which displays an NSWindow at the Login window using a non-privileged mechanism using authorization plugin.I added the mechanism in system.login.console entry of authdb and it works fine on switch-user, reboot cases. I want the app to be invoked at the screensaver unlock as well.I tried adding the mechanism in the "authenticate" entry of authdb, but my app is not getting invoked in the screensaver unlock case.If I modify the system.login.screensaver rule to use “authenticate-session-owner-or-admin” instead of “use-login-window-ui”, then the plugin is invoked but the login screen is displayed in older UI and touchid authentication doesn’t work with this screen.Using SFAuthorizationPluginView also helps me display the UX and invoke my app, but that would require re-writing the complete loginwindow process.Please suggest a way to invoke my app in screensaver scenario using the default loginwindow UI, which supports touchid authentication as well.
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