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I have a new developer account with an app that has been available for over a week now (8 days). When I view the Sales and Trends page I simply get a gray box with a message that says "You do not have any sales yet." I noticed in the developer console that a JS error is thrown. I know for a fact I've had downloads over the past week and I'm able to view those using a service like App Annie.The Apple ID I'm using on the account is the Admin and Account Holder.I've contacted developer support but simply got back a pretty generic message about how sales and trends are available the next day or you can download a 7 day report. Not very helpful.I've included the JS error (if it's helpful). I have screenshots of the page but I'm not sure it's helpful. It's a gray box with the above message. Has anyone had this issue? Is it a weird permission thing? Can I force a purchase of one of my in app purchases and hope that helps?production.js?v=7.6.1:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at production.js?v=7.6.1:1 at c (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Object.add [as done] (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Array.<anonymous> (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at c (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Object.<anonymous> (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at c (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (production.js?v=7.6.1:1) at Object.o.(anonymous function) [as resolve] (
by ppilone.
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