
Post marked as solved
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Our peripheral firmware is in development so we've been changing the device address and device name (which we're using for the ID) often. We've noticed that the name reported by iOS can be out of date, since it's caching it against the device address? I've tried switching Bluetooth off and on, even switching the phone off and on, but to no avail.Also, the 'name' is not matching up to 'kCBAdvDataLocalName' in the advertising data.For example, our peripheral is currently set to (and we've verified this with CySmart on the laptop): Address: ...:00:00:27 Shortened Local Name: 000027 (This is set in the Scan Response Data)But iOS is reporting the device data as follows. 'kCBAdvDataLocalName' is up to date, but 'name' isn't... { advertising = { kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1; kCBAdvDataLocalName = 000027; }; id = "379E9807-8F94-6397-CECE-E63F027FA614"; name = 000025; rssi = "-65"; }So, two questions please:Anyone know why 'name' doesn't match up to 'kCBAdvDataLocalName'?Is there a way to (preferably non-programmatically) clear the cache?Thanks in advance!
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