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Hello, I've built a shortcut that crops images into a square format of (width x width). The shortcut works well for photographs, but not so for screenshots. While the result is a square image, the size is smaller by a factor of 3.123 on each side. Also the resulting image seems to be squashed vertically
by plutovman.
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Hello. I've made a shortcut to convert an image from native format to png. The shortcut works as advertised for photos, but not for screenshots. For instance, a screenshot of resolution (1125x2436), when converted to png/jpg becomes 360x780)
by plutovman.
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I have a UITableView with cells that have swappable UIContextualActions to delete or rename (edit) individual cell's TextFields. Since I made the switch to Swift 5 / iOS 13, triggering the rename UIContextualAction on these cells causes the keyboard to launch and instantly dismiss before the user has a chance to type. Not only does the keyboard go away, the particular cell I'm trying to edit becomes completely empty, and the following warning gets generated: [Snapshotting] Snapshotting a view (0x10c90a470, _UIReplicantView) that has not been rendered at least once requires afterScreenUpdates:YES.Below is the code for the rename UIContextualAction: let actionRename = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "") { (action, view, completionHandler) in let cell = self.tableLayers.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! LayerUITableViewCell cell.layerTitle.isEnabled = true // enable UITextField editing cell.layerTitle.becomeFirstResponder() // launch keyboard cell.layerTitle.selectedTextRange = cell.layerTitle.textRange(from: (cell.layerTitle.beginningOfDocument), to: (cell.layerTitle.endOfDocument)) // select all text completionHandler(true)} // end of let actionRenameI'm guessing the animation of the UIContextual action is somehow triggering the keyboard's resignFirstResponder. To summarize, prior to swift 5/iOS 13, the order of events went something like this: user swipes cell left/rightuser hits UIContextual buttoncell returns to centertext gets selectedkeyboard launchesuser types, hits returnkeyboard resignFirstResponderWhereas the behavior I'm seeing after the migration looks like this:user swipes cell left/rightuser hits UIContextual buttontext gets selectedkeyboard launchescell returns to center (which somehow triggers resignFirstResponder)keyboard resignFirstResponderUpdate 2019/10/02I have confirmed that it's the cell animation that is causing the premature keyboard dismissal. If I introduce a delay after the completionHandler as follows:let actionRename = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "") { (action, view, completionHandler) in completionHandler(true) self.perform(#selector(self.layerRenameDos), with: nil, afterDelay: 1.0) // layerRenameDos has the editing/firstResponder code from above } // end of let actionRenameWith this change, the cell animates back to center, keyboard launches, and I'm able to type away. This, however, is obviously a hacky work-around. Any suggestions would be appreciated
by plutovman.
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I am working on a drawing app, and I've noticed during my Apple Pencil testing, that touchesEndedgets prematurely called when the current pencil-triggered touch event gets interrupted by a second touch. This does not happen when, say, I am drawing using a finger, and I introduce a second simultaneous touch. I also notice that the touchCount does not increase when I have a pencil touch and a finger touch simultaneously. Similarly (perhaps by design) gestures don't work with mixed touch types. Below I show how I'm accounting for active touches during touchesMovedoverride func viewDidLoad() { ... self.view.isMultipleTouchEnabled = true ... } func touchesMoved(touches: Set<UITouch>, event: UIEvent?) { if let touch = touches.first { let event = event let touchCount = touches.count print ("[ComponentPagePaint]: TOUCH COUNT = \(touchCount)") let numFingersOnScreen: Int = ((event?.allTouches!.count)!) print ("[ComponentPagePaint]: FINGr COUNT = \(numFingersOnScreen)") } }It appears that mixing touch types results in the UIView ending the first touch and switching to the second. This does not happen when I have multiple simultaneous touches. Note that this behavior also seems to be present in Apple's drawing demo project.Is there any way to change this behavior? Ideally, I'd like my pencil-triggered touch cycle to NOT be interrupted by a second touch.If the latter is not possible, is there a way for me to properly account for ALL active touches so that I can cancel the current stroke, or do something else?
by plutovman.
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