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hello i am using cncopycurrentnetworkinfo for getting the data (ssid,bssid) for the connected wifi network but according to the link showing Deprecated and showing possible solution is using the method fetchCurrentWithCompletionHandler:( this is method of HotspotHelper and i also email ask for that entitlement ( used by HotspotHelper but got rejected. i don't know why because i use network info for the connection between IOT display and wifi router using mobile app. so is there any other possible solution?
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We are using NEHotspotNetwork and WDSConnectWiFiProtocol_MarvellEZConnect to create a wifi connection with device and wifi network. We are passing the user's entered wifi password to WDSConnectWiFiProtocol_MarvellEZConnect, Is there any way to validate if user has entered correct password or not ?
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I am using CNCopySupportedInterfaces to get the connected wifi network, but it shows nil sometime.I have enabled all the capabilities like Wifi Information, Hotspot configuration & network extension. I have also allowed the location permission too. I am using ios 13.2 I used the NEHotspotConfiguration too but it is also returning the nil & this is the random issue.Below is the code to get the wifi info:-(NSString*)fetchSSIDInfo { NSArray *ifs = (__bridge_transfer NSArray *)CNCopySupportedInterfaces(); NSDictionary *info; for (NSString *ifnam in ifs) { info = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((__bridge CFStringRef)ifnam); if (info && [info count]) { return [info objectForKey:@"SSID"]; break; } } return @"No WiFi Available";}Is this the iOS issue or any other solution for this.
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I am using NEHotspotConfigurationManager to connect wifi programmatically.Its an open Network without any password I am using below code:if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)){NEHotspotConfiguration *config = [[NEHotspotConfiguration alloc]initWithSSID:SSIDName];[NEHotspotConfigurationManager.sharedManager applyConfiguration:config completionHandler:^(NSError* error){ if (error){ printf([error description]);} else{ printf(@"success");} }];I am connecting to the hostpot/access point of one device, but every time I am getting an error of unable to join but in response it goes to success as the error is nil. Is there any thing I need to add in configuration or add in setting or am I missing anything ?
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