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I'm developing a progressive web app for Safari IOS (only for iPad), and I need to export some content as PDF.I tried to implement a button to export the content of the page to PDF but I think it’s not doable on Safari IOS ? The button, by clicking on it, isn’t exporting anything.I also tried to use the 'create PDF' icon available with the share button. This is working on my development env (localhost / http) but the icon won’t show on the production env (https).The app is hosted behind a corporate proxy on production so could the proxy be the problem?How can I have access to create PDF icon on both urls (local and prod) ?I also tried, since I’m using IOS 12.2, to implement the navigator.share method so I can have access to the share button when the application has been add to home screen but I can’t see the ‘create PDF’ button at all in the options. Is it available with this solution ?
by pierre64.
Last updated