
Post not yet marked as solved
8 Replies
Hi, Sometimes I get tons of errors 21104 and 21107 in a row when I try to validate new subscriptions and renew existing subscriptions from our server side by using the endpoint verifyReceipt: POST The response of this endpoint doesn't give any extra information: { 		"environment": "Production", 		"status": 21107, 		"is_retryable": true } I noticed that those subscriptions are renewed on the second try after waiting a bit (in a different hour/day). The documentation only indicates that the status codes 21100-21199 are internal data access errors but it doesn't specify each one: I understand that it's an error on the Apple side so there is nothing I can do but if someone could give us more information about those errors (21104 and 21107).
by pdcgomes.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi,I want to track on backend side when a trial subscription (introductory offer) just ends and Itunes automatically initiates billing against the user's credit card. Itunes send any event when the introductory offer ends? in this case, what notification type does Itunes send?Kind regards,
by pdcgomes.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hi,I would like to ask if there is any endpoint in iTunes connect which I can use on the server side to retrieve all the products.As far as I see in the documentation, it only can be done from Client side using SKProductsRequests and it doesn't even return all the products (only the products based on the user's country).Could you confirm if exist anything for the server side?Kind regards,
by pdcgomes.
Last updated