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We are using ARWorldTrackingConfiguration for our app to detect horizontal and vertical planes. With iOS 16.0.2 update, iPhone 11 device lost its ability to detect planes. It used to work for iOS 15 versions. Anyone knows what could be the problem here? I also submitted feedback to Apple via Feedback Assistant. We also tried running Apple's sample project “Tracking and Visualizing Planes” but it also can't detect with iPhone 11s, but other devices work. let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() configuration.planeDetection = [.horizontal, .vertical]
by ozgurs.
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5 Replies
I'm running basic Oscillator with a sine wave (created with AVAudioEngine), but sound is scrannel on Apple Watch series 2 OS (6.2.6), however it sounds clear on Simulator. What could be the reason? I'm running oscillator within the range of 100-900 frequency and 0-1 amplitude.
by ozgurs.
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Hello, running activity classifier model on Apple watch series 2 with OS 5.3.5 gives me an error. Model has been trained on CreateML. Anyone seen this error before? WatchKit Extension[587:818956] [espresso] [Espresso::handle_ex_] exception=Unsupported engine type
by ozgurs.
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In ARSessionDelegate's didUpdate function two ipad pro 3. gen 12.9 inch differs in arframe image orientation.func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) I get the pixelbuffer in this way and create UIImage.let pixelBuffer = frame.capturedImagelet image = UIImage(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)We have two ipads both running iOS 13.2.3.The models are like below:iPad (NTEL2B)iPad (MTEL2LL)The MTEL2LL version image is 180 degree rotated. What could be cause?I use this function to create UIImage from CVPixelBufferpublic convenience init?(pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer) { if let cgImage = CGImage.create(pixelBuffer: pixelBuffer) { self.init(cgImage: cgImage) } else { return nil } }
by ozgurs.
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Hello, we are developing a kiosk app for iPads that will run in single app mode in retail stores. The ipads will be supervised. Since our advertisement app is not related to the public we can not put it on AppStore. And we are a startup we can not register to enterprise developer program (since it requires having 100+ employees ). So what is the proper way to manage these devices remotely and install app installs remotely without user interaction? We will use MDM to remotely update apps but should it be an enterprise app? Or up to 100 devices can we remotely update using ad-hoc distribution through MDM?Another option is Custom App which lets you deploy apps to affiliates and partners without registering as an enterprise. But I couldn't find whether custom apps could be remotely installed?
by ozgurs.
Last updated