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I am puzzled. Our application internet requests (either our own API or other services like Crashlytics, ...) fail when the application executes on Cellular connection only. This happens only on iOS13, previous IOS versions are working on all our devices, and only happens when running on Cellular only. When WiFi is on, all works as expected.The error, on Crashlytics, can be seen below. We are getting the same error on all APIs as well.NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline., NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSUnderlyingError=0x28319bc60 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1009 "(null)" UserInfo={NSURLErrorNetworkUnavailableReasonKey=1, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=50}
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7 Replies
In the spirit of implementing IAP for Consumable products, we have severale questions that do not seem to be clearly answered by Apple:1. Who absorbs cost of fraud on IAP?2. How can we identify which users were refunded?3. What are Apple's thresholds/limits for IAP?4. Is Apple refunding users for Consumable products? Will they refund only last purchase or multiple purchases?5. If Apple does not provide PII (personally identifiable information), what can we do to dispute or block bad actors.6. Is Apple leveraging the Server to Server communication for Consumable Products (from their docs, seems to be only subscriptions). Can we be informed about refunds real-time?7. Whichever report we get (monthly or earlier), what is the granularity of data? do we come to know the returns by customer?
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Our app just got rejected. Our application is a marketplace where users can get advice from life coaches. We are charging by the minute.The user can talk or chat with a coach, once they start a session, the session is real time as people communicate in the moment and the clock is ticking and funds are removed from the user account and paid to the coach.- User can talk to a coach, in the app we have a Call button that then triggers a telephony call outside of the app. Apple is ok with this as they state that the service is real time and rendered outside of the app.- User can chat with a coach, in the app we have a chat button that triggers a request to the coach and open a chat session in the app when both parties have accepted to chat. We have a timer, and user is asked to add more funds if such funds are depleted during the chat session. We are using a real time messaging backend for enabling chat.Apple is stating that we cannot use any form of payment other than IAP to fulfill the chat service because Apple says it is not real time and rendered in the app.Any thoughts on the issue?
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